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August News: The last days of summer

The foxes of Hoxton have returned to their desks after a wonderful wayzgoose on Dartmoor last weekend. We did a spot of walking, a dash of blackberry picking, a great deal of reading and plenty of eating, and are now back at No. 53 with renewed good spirits to prepare for the all-important business of the forthcoming quarter. We were mostly much too busy enjoying ourselves to pose for photos but if you would like to inspect a slightly out-of-focus scene of four office foxes, one editor, and three wayward hounds then please do so in the newsletter below.

The office bookshelves are fit to bursting with the Autumn issue and new books and now it’s all paws to keyboards and noses to screens for the last days of summer, as we give the website a lick of paint, add new books to our virtual shop and revise our listings to reflect the small increase in price of the cloth-bound hardbacks that comes into effect on 1 September. If you’ve been thinking about ordering from the backlist of hardbacks but haven’t yet done so, then you might like to visit the website and stock up in the next few days. Don’t forget that for all orders over £20 received before the end of the month we’ll send you a complimentary set of handsome bookmarks by way of thanks. Just use the code SUMMER-CLEAN at the checkout or over the phone.

Do scroll down the newsletter for a reminder of some of our offers. For those of you who’ve already stocked up (our great thanks to you) or simply don’t want anything from us at the moment, you might like to leave this newsletter in the rack and head off to read Ysenda Maxtone Graham’s full article on the art of ‘the keeping of the library of a small house’ instead. Click here to read.

We’ll be in touch again next week with the happy news that the Autumn issue has left Smith Settle and started winging its way around the world to you all.

Meantime we send you our best wishes
The SF office staff – Jennie, Anna, Olivia and Hattie

PS For those of you who enquired about the wood engraving of the geese that illustrated our last missive, they are from one of our personalized bookplate designs by Sue Scullard, as is the fox that appears above. Our bookplates make lovely presents for bookish friends and relatives – or for oneself – and may be found on our website here: Bookplates

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