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August News: The Slightly Foxed Summer Clean

‘Banishment, destruction, murder and deportation are, regrettably, an integral part of good housekeeping – especially if you live in a small house, as I do.

Banishment is putting things up in the attic for a generation. Destruction is dismantling Lego creations which no one has played with for a month. Murder is throwing things away. Deportation is taking things to charity shops . . . “You must be cruel to be kind,” gardeners tell you, about pruning roses. “The more you cut them down, the more they love it.” This might be true of roses but is it true of book collections? I should imagine they absolutely hate it . . .’

So wrote the marvellous Ysenda Maxtone Graham on the subject of culling one’s bookshelves back in Slightly Foxed Issue 36. We’re not exactly on a culling spree here at Foxed Towers but, with autumn and its bumper crop of bookish delights fast approaching, we’re beginning to feel just ever so slightly anxious about our ever-increasing list of books, and our ever-remaining-the-same number of shelves. Landing from Smith Settle first thing tomorrow morning will be: the Autumn issue of Slightly Foxed; the third title by BB in our Foxed Cub series (the much-loved Brendon Chase); a new Plain Foxed Edition of Period PieceA Country Doctor’s Commonplace Book (a Slightly Foxed special) and our 43rd Slightly Foxed Edition, Jennie Erdal’s Ghosting. Phew!

We don’t really do sales here at Slightly Foxed so instead we thought we’d simply send out a plea to our dear readers to help us clear a shelf or two this August, and take the opportunity to stock up on paperbacks, notebooks, back issues and cards. Various bundles and other tempting offers appear below. If you would like to order, by way of thanks we’ll send you a complimentary set of handsome bookmarks for all orders over £20. Just use the code SUMMER-CLEAN at the checkout or over the phone.

We’ll be in touch again later in the month. Meantime we wish you a happy summer, with plenty of good reading.

With best wishes from the SF office staff,
Jennie, Anna, Olivia, and Hattie

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