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What excellent company you are!

I have been devoted to your podcast for over a year; it could be improved only by being more frequent. Every book I have ordered from you has been a delight; nothing disappoints. I receive your emails with pleasure, and that’s saying a lot. Slightly Foxed is a source of content . . . ’
K. Nichols, Washington, USA

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Historical Adventure Novels for the Young at Heart | Last Ronald Welch Sets Remaining

Historical Adventure Novels for the Young at Heart | Last Ronald Welch Sets Remaining

Greetings from Hoxton Square where a rootle through the stock and stationery cupboards in search of more wrapping paper has revealed that we are down to our last 20 sets of Ronald Welch’s gripping historical adventure novels for children. And so, herewith, a hastily thrown-together email from the bookish elves here at Foxed HQ to let you know that if you’ve been thinking of investing in a set as a present for a young-at-heart reader, with stocks dwindling and the last recommended posting dates for Christmas fast approaching, now would be a good moment to do so.
Produced by people who love books, for people who love books | Slightly Foxed Editions

Produced by people who love books, for people who love books | Slightly Foxed Editions

Greetings from Slightly Foxed HQ, where we’re busily packing up all manner of bookish treats for readers far and wide and cheerily navigating our way through a developing obstacle course of packing materials, parcels and post bags. There’s still time for us to help with gifts for fellow bookworms – or, indeed, a well-deserved treat for yourself – and where better to find inspiration than in our series of Slightly Foxed Editions.
Intellectual Refreshment | New this Winter from Slightly Foxed

Intellectual Refreshment | New this Winter from Slightly Foxed

‘I may be a long way from you all but I am dependent on Slightly Foxed for intellectual refreshment and for opening new paths, either to books unknown to me or to old favourites. All my good wishes for your continued successes!’ C. Stelzer, Arizona, USA Greetings, dear readers, from Slightly Foxed HQ. We’re delighted to report that the new winter issue of Slightly Foxed has now left the printing press at Smith Settle and should arrive with readers in the UK in the coming days and elsewhere over the next few weeks. We do hope it brings much reading pleasure.
A Calendar of Covers for 2024 | Celebrating 20 years of Slightly Foxed

A Calendar of Covers for 2024 | Celebrating 20 years of Slightly Foxed

Our special anniversary Slightly Foxed 2024 Wall Calendar is here, featuring a selection of readers’ favourite Slightly Foxed cover artwork from the past 20 years. We have just published the 80th issue of Slightly Foxed: The Real Reader’s Quarterly and in March 2024 Slightly Foxed will be celebrating its 20th year and and we’ve decided to mark the occasion with an anniversary calendar featuring some more of the seasonal Slightly Foxed covers that readers enjoy so much. It’s a handsome, spiral-bound decorative wall calendar printed on sturdy paper with a board backing, and we feel it will raise the spirits and look good in any room. It would make a charming present for anyone who loves Slightly Foxed, or indeed for anyone who hasn’t yet come across it.

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