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I have been devoted to your podcast for over a year; it could be improved only by being more frequent. Every book I have ordered from you has been a delight; nothing disappoints. I receive your emails with pleasure, and that’s saying a lot. Slightly Foxed is a source of content . . . ’
K. Nichols, Washington, USA

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13th October 2014

‘Long may you thrive!’

'I am disappointed if I haven’t already got a couple of the books reviewed and seem to buy a couple more most quarters. You have a good eye for an entertaining reviewer and many books, even if not ordered from Abe or Amazon, remain on a virtual wants list for visits to (vanishing) second-hand bookshops. I feel that one of the ways that nature helps us cope with advancing years is to show us that new things tend to be worse than what has gone before. Slightly Foxed is an exception. Long may you thrive!’
- M. Udal, Surrey
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