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Roger Hudson has always been in books. During the 1970s and 80s he was at John Murray and then for the next twelve years he compiled a string of books for the Folio Society on everything from the Civil War, via the Grand Tour, to the British in India. In 2005 his Hudson’s English History appeared, a filler for the thinking man’s Christmas stocking. He has done much editorial work for a number of publishers and wrote a monthly feature in History Today for several years.

The numbers in square brackets refer to the issue of the quarterly in which the article appears.
The unbracketed numbers refer to the starting page of the article.
For entries in multiple issues of the quarterly, the occurrences are separated by semi-colons.

articles by, [2] 47; [5] 34; [8] 63; [11] 22; [16] 12; [20] 28; [24] 34; [30] 52; [37] 75; [44] 65; [46] 35; [48] 74; [52] 74; [57] 33; [61] 23; [69] 37; [75] 53; [77] 20; An Englishman’s Commonplace Book, [67] 6; [79] 41

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