Greetings from SF HQ, where life may be imitating art as we carry tall towers of books to the packing desk ready to wrap and dispatch to our dear readers.
However, rest assured that we’re looking much more cheerful (and being more careful!) than these fully foxed figures in Quentin Blake’s cover artwork for Slightly Foxed Issue 24. And thankfully Dusty the office dog is safely snoozing on the sofa rather than getting under our feet like this book-thieving fox . . .
There is still time to add to our packing piles and post bags before the year is out, and you’ll find links below to books and goods, seasonal reads and stocking fillers. And, in honour of SF contributor Quentin Blake turning 90 this Friday, we’re also recommending a selection of pocket-sized titles bearing his fantastic, often foxy, illustrations.
With best wishes, as ever, from the SF office staff
Anna, Hattie, Jess & Jemima
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