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Peacock Garden

‘Swift knows about containment and spillage. It’s the basic dynamic of her garden. In summer the plants billow out over the clipped box hedges that mark the borders, and roses ramble profusely away from their arbours. In winter, with the disappearance of summer’s temporary improvisations, the straight lines of the garden are revealed, dark evergreen and brown.’

Alexandra Harris wrote of the joy of reading Katherine Swift’s The Morville Hours in Slightly Foxed Issue 50, accompanied by Geri Waddington’s wonderful woodcut.

About the contributor

Geri Waddington was born in 1953 and trained in painting at the Slade School of Art before turning to engraving in 1995. In 2001 she was elected a member of the Society of Wood Engravers, and became chairman in 2014. Her work has been exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy, the International Miniature Print Exhibition and various independent galleries. Her wood engravings are hand-printed in a Victorian hand press, and she also contributes to hand-made private press books, printing the engravings directly from the wood. She draws her subjects from natural forms, gardens and buildings, challenging herself to capture tone and texture through the tiny marks of the engraver’s tools.

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