Our lady adventurer Katy MacMillan-Scott is back on the road after a night in the beautiful home of a friend’s mother’s piano teacher, over the river from Zaltbommel. This generous ivory-tinkling soul heard about Katy’s sojourn in memory of her friend, and offered her a bed for the night. Such is the wonderful kindness of strangers.
After a restful night’s sleep, a dose of good company from new bookish friends and a jolly good breakfast of eggs, avocados and local cheese, our travelling bookworm has now hit the road for Tiel, athough she did report that she was sorely tempted to stay awhile by this little stove, and attempt to read Günter Grass. Whilst we’re always open to a spot of Grass, given our hopeless grasp of the Dutch language, we’d probably hit the road too . . .
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