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Interesting articles, beautifully presented . . .

‘It’s not just that they are interesting articles, beautifully presented, but that you sense you are entering a community of like-minded readers when you crack open the cover. The first time I read an issue of Slightly Foxed I remember thinking, here is a magazine that speaks to me.’ K. Haigh, Canada

Greetings, dear readers, from Hoxton Square. We’re delighted to report that the new summer issue of Slightly Foxed has now left the printing press at Smith Settle and should arrive with readers in the UK in the coming days and elsewhere over the next few weeks. We do hope it brings much reading pleasure.

And for those of you who are on a repeat order to receive our new limited-edition memoir each quarter, your usual hand-numbered copy of Life in Our Hands by Pamela Bright will be with you very soon.

Meantime, go forth and browse our latest online Readers’ Catalogue, where you’ll find our cloth-bound limited-edition hardbacks, our popular Plain Foxed Editions, a collection of literary bundles and our pick of titles from other publishers’ bookshelves.

Everything listed on our website can be sent to you, or directly to a recipient, in good time for a date or occasion of your choice. Slightly Foxed subscribers can use their usual discount on all items, whether they are to be sent to you or to someone else. And the office is well-stocked with smart gift cards bearing wood engravings, reams of brown paper and signature cream foxed ribbon in anticipation.

With best wishes from the SF staff

Jess, Isabel, Rebecca, Izzy & Jennie

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Interesting articles, beautifully presented | New this Summer from Slightly Foxed

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