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Ghosting | From the Slightly Foxed bookshelves

‘The joy the reader feels when a writer seems to be talking directly to them, including them in their world . . .’

Greetings from Hoxton Square where we’re not only taking stock of our books and goods as we begin a new year, but also the many recent letters and emails from our dear readers. We’re always delighted to receive thoughts on all things bookish from subscribers near and far, so it was a pleasure to be sent an email from a new SF member from across the pond who, on devouring the first issue of her subscription, wrote:

‘Your contributors lighted on something essential: the joy the reader feels when a writer seems to be talking directly to them, including them in their world rather than simply describing it to a passive recipient.’

This is exactly what we hope for in all that we do and publish, and we think that J. Stielstra of Illinois has perfectly expressed the feeling of reading Slightly Foxed.

In the spirit of being included in writers’ worlds, we’ve been browsing our backlist of Slightly Foxed Editions: hitherto forgotten memoirs that bring alive a particular moment and make you feel you have actually known the writer. Today we’re opening the pages of Ghosting, Jennie Erdal’s strange and gripping story of the twenty years in which she became a ghost writer for the man she calls ‘Tiger’, the flamboyant figure at the centre of this wickedly funny book. If you are tempted to add it to your SF collection, then you’ll find links to this edition below.

There’s still time to make the most of our special offers, which we will run until the end of January. If you would like to place an order, by way of thanks we’ll send you a complimentary copy of Linda Leatherbarrow’s Between the Lines for all orders over £30. Just enter the code NEWYEAR at the online checkout or quote it over the phone.

Meantime, we’ll leave you to meet Tiger the Literary Lion.

With best wishes from the SF office staff,
Jennie, Anna, Hattie, Jess & Helen

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