Greetings once more from No. 53 Hoxton Square. The turn of the quarter is almost upon us and we have the pressing – and cheering – business of good reading to report.
The cream pages of the summer issue of Slightly Foxed, No. 58: ‘A Snatch of Morning’, have rolled off the printing presses up at Smith Settle, been pressed, nipped, trimmed, sewn and bound, and then lovingly stuffed into handsome (and ecologically friendly) sturdy brown envelopes and bundled into postbags to begin their journey around the world. The new issue will hit bookshops and other stockists when it’s officially published on 1 June, so it has gone out a little earlier this quarter, but we thought our UK subscribers wouldn’t mind too much if they got their issue in time for the Bank Holiday weekend
As usual it features many old friends, and some new voices too. Helen MacEwan is touched by the life of William Cowper • Christopher Rush finds much to be gained from Paradise Lost • Maggie Fergusson talks travel with Colin Thubron • Andy Merrills has a brush with some beards • Ann Kennedy Smith meets E. M. Forster’s great-aunt • Ariane Bankes explores Trieste with Jan Morris • Robin Blakerecommends some spiritual reading • Sarah Perry gets to the roots of Englishness • Patrick Welland witnesses power struggles in Ancient Rome • Julie Welch joins the Pony Club and much more besides . . .
If you’ve been considering a subscription but aren’t quite sure if Slightly Foxed is for you, you can always try a single copy. The current issue is available here, and we keep all of the back issues in print, so you might like to browse our index and try an older issue that features a favourite author or book: An Index to Slightly Foxed.
The SF office is closed for the Bank Holiday weekend until 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday. Our online shop is open all hours so do feel free to order while we’re away from our desks. If you need help with anything or have a query about a subscription or order, do drop Hattie a line on the main office email address ([email protected]) and she’ll get back to you next week. We’ll look forward to catching up with you all then. Meantime, we’re off to Brensham with our 42nd Slightly Foxed Edition, The Blue Field, and a snippet of Sarah Perry’s lovely preface by way of introduction.
With best wishes, as ever
Jennie, Anna, Olivia, Hattie and Jess
The SF Office Staff
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