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The new quarter’s harvest

Meteorologically speaking, summer is still in full swing. But here at SF the new quarter waits not for the weather, so in a few days’ time we’ll be launched in to autumn with its bumper crop of new books and literary treasures.

The autumn issue of Slightly Foxed (No. 51) is now on its way to readers all around the world. Its cover sports a sumptuously autumnal scene so we’ll quite understand if you want to hide it away for a few more days. Whether you devour it immediately or wait for the evenings to draw in, we do hope you’ll enjoy the new issue’s collection of good writing and good reading. In it:

Michael Barber hangs out on the Maginot Line • Ursula Buchan follows Montrose to the Borders • Patrick Welland explains the Singapore Grip • Amanda Theunissen meets a revolutionary with a sense of fun • Henry Jeffreys relives his university days with David Lodge • Daisy Hay finds Mary Wollstonecraft very contemporary • Derek Collett sits in on some psychiatric sessions • Victoria Neumark asks ‘Goodbye to all what?’ • Derek Parker goes backstage with some extremely old actors, and much, much more . . .

Also new this quarter there’s our 35th Slightly Foxed Edition: Sword of Bone by Anthony Rhodes, two new SF Cubs to complete the set of 12 Carey Novels by Ronald Welch, theSlightly Foxed wall calendar for 2017, four new bookplates by the talented wood engraver Sue Scullard and a new section on our online bookshop dedicated to travel classics from the excellent small publisher, Eland Books, among other things.But before all this comes the Bank Holiday (thank goodness!) so this afternoon the SF staff will be shutting up shop and enjoying a well-earned rest before the hustle and bustle of the new season begins. We look forward to catching up with you all next week and wish you all a very happy Bank Holiday meantime.

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