‘They fly free from every page, carrying the salt breeze and the sound of the waves with them . . . The author was very much a field naturalist, and accordingly British Sea Birds takes you where its author went, out among the birds, into their world. Gibson-Hill’s birds, captured in his fresh, lucid prose and exquisite photographs, are not dead specimens, anatomized by a detached scientific gaze.’
Ralph Harrington introduces us to the words and the birds of C. A. Gibson-Hill – a ‘zoologist and museum curator, but also an able historian, a gifted photographer and a tireless traveller and writer’ – who wrote two books on British marine birds. Ralph’s article about British Sea Birds appeared in Slightly Foxed issue 34, and was illustrated with these lively puffins by Paul Kershaw.
Paul Kershaw was born in York in 1949. He trained as a teacher and taught art for twelve years but left to concentrate on printmaking, teaching himself the art of wood engraving. He settled on the Isle of Skye in 1986, and much of his work is a personal response to the landscape of the island and north-west Scotland. He uses a hand press to print in both black and white and colour, and sells his work in limited editions. Paul is a member of the Society of Wood Engravers and exhibits regularly in their annual exhibitions.
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