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‘Perfect literary hedonism’ | New this Summer from Slightly Foxed

‘Every single word is a delight. I am gluttonous when it comes to this magazine. It is perfect literary hedonism.’ Notis, via Goodreads

Greetings, dear readers. We’re delighted to report that the new Summer issue of Slightly Foxed (No. 74) has now left the printing press at Smith Settle and will start to drop through letterboxes in the UK very soon and elsewhere over the next few weeks. It ranges far and wide in the usual eclectic manner:

Olivia Potts masters the art of French cooking with Julia Child • Justin Marozzi heads for the Hindu Kush • Sue Gee goes boating with Mole and Ratty • Rachel Cooke enjoys Alison Lurie’s academic affairs • William Palmer follows Norman Lewis to Spain • Alexandra Harris picks up a Pevsner, and much more besides . . .

With it, as usual, you’ll find a copy of our latest Readers’ Catalogue, listing new books, our backlist, recommended seasonal reading and a selection of offers and bundles. We hope it will provide plenty of recommendations for reading off the beaten track this summer.

If you’re not a subscriber to the quarterly (and if not, we would urge you to take out a subscription, for it comes with a host of benefits – as well as receiving a parcel of ‘literary hedonism’ each quarter, you’d be enjoying free access to the full digital archive of the magazine and discounted rates on all books and goods too!) then you might like to scroll down for a closer look at the latest issue and browse the season’s other offerings.

And for those of you on a repeat order to receive the same hand-numbered copy of each quarter’s limited-edition memoir, your copy of Over to Candleford & Candleford Green by Flora Thompson should be with you soon.

As ever, we look forward to the welcome flurry of correspondence that the turn of each new quarter brings. And we hope you’ll enjoy the new issue of the magazine, wherever in the world you are.

With all good wishes from the SF office staff
Jennie, Anna, Hattie & Jess

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