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Episode 4: Viewing Is Essential

Gail, Hazel and Jennie talk to the artist and illustrator (and master of pastiche) David Eccles about the craft of marrying image and text. The actress Petra Markham takes to the airwaves with Posy Simmonds, and the printmaker Angie Lewin recalls her experience of being commissioned for a Slightly Foxed cover.

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Books Mentioned

– Hugh Trevor-Roper, The Last Days of Hitler

– Richard Kennedy, A Boy at the Hogarth Press & A Parcel of Time

– Gwen Raverat, Period Piece

– E. H. Shepard, Drawn from Memory and Drawn from Life

– A. A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

– Christopher Matthew, Now We are Sixty, with decorations by David Eccles

– The Slightly Foxed Cubs edition of The Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliff

– Posy Simmond’s latest book, Cassandra Darke

– Flowers for Mrs Harris by Paul Gallico is also known as Mrs Harris Goes to Paris, and is available in a single volume together with Mrs Harris Goes to New York.

– Elizabeth Jenkins, The Tortoise and the Hare

– Mathias Enard, Compass

– Kathleen Hale’s autobiography, A Slender Reputation, is out of print, but we may be able to get hold of second-hand copies. Please get in touch for details

Related Slightly Foxed Articles & Illustrations

– A wood engraving by Hilary Paynter illustrates Adam Sisman’s article on The Last Days of Hitler in Slightly Foxed Issue 61

Slightly Foxed Issue 60 features the illustration ‘Office Life’ by Posy Simmonds

– Hazel Wood’s article on the works of Posy Simmonds, entitled ‘Underwear Was Important’, was published in Slightly Foxed Issue 15

– Christopher Robbins’s article on Finnegans Wake was published in Slightly Foxed Issue 22

– Angie Lewin is a printmaker and was the cover artist for Slightly Foxed Issue 27

– James Nunn provided a pastiche of Eric Ravilious for the cover of Slightly Foxed Issue 17

– Maggie Fergusson’s article on Flowers for Mrs Harris was published in Slightly Foxed Issue 20

– Nigel Andrew’s article on The Tortoise and the Hare was published in Slightly Foxed Issue 60

Other Links

– The shortlist for the 2018 Slightly Foxed Best First Biography Prize. The award party was held at Maggs Bros

– A full list of Slightly Foxed stockists can be found on our website: Stockists

Thanks to Angie Lewin, speaking at the Slightly Foxed Readers’ Day 2018 at the Art Workers’ Guild in London.

The Slightly Foxed Podcast is hosted by Philippa Lamb and produced by Podcastable  

Comments & Reviews

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  1. Brian Thomas Rutter says:

    First Class, enjoyed every minute

  2. Linda Sides says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful podcasts, they are a joy to listen to. What a marvellous supplement to your magazine.

  3. JOHN GOULDING says:

    Fascinating stuff and splendid to hear my old mate David Eccles explaining some of the mysteries of his craft!

  4. Barbara Hyde says:

    I so so enjoyed this podcast. Have too many books I now want to explore. Hope I live long enough. Thank you all.

  5. Sheila Denholm says:

    I have only just managed to listen to Podcast No 4 as I moved house 3 weeks ago. I have been working out where to put my books, which involves difficult decisions. All my working life was spent with books (libraries, retail and library supply) so you might say they are an obsession.
    Thank you for your journal and the podcasts, both of which I love.

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