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‘One of the most wonderful books I’ve ever read . . .’

‘Dear all at Foxed Quarterly, I very much enjoyed the winter issue of Slightly Foxed. I read most of it sitting on a beach in 30+ degree heat here in Australia – very different from your cosy firesides but the reading was just as enjoyable! Thank you for the reminder about my subscription. I’ve just renewed for two years and look forward to many more hours of great reading from your magazine. I also wanted to let you know that I ordered Portrait of Elmbury based on the review and excerpts in SF. I’ve just finished it and have to say that this was one of the most wonderful books I’ve ever read, so thank you for being the conduit to my discovery! I grew up on a farm in rural Australia in the 1970s and 1980s, which is a far cry from 1920s and 1930s rural England and yet so much of what John Moore wrote struck a chord with me, from the beautiful descriptions of the cattle and countryside to the colourful characters he describes so well. Life was not so very different after all. My local library amazingly has a copy of the second book, Brensham Village, but no-one has the third book, The Blue Field. Do you have any plans to issue that one as well? Many thanks again for the wonderful product you put together. I hope it will continue for many years to come!’ M. Woledge, Australia

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