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‘A great present for those who love books.’ Financial Times

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    Home » The Quarterly Magazine

    The Quarterly Magazine

    Companionable and unstuffy, Slightly Foxed is more like a well-read friend than a literary magazine. Each quarter it offers 96 pages of lively personal recommendations for books of lasting interest – books, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry, that have stood the test of time and have left their mark on the people who write about them. It’s an eclectic mix, and our contributors are an eclectic bunch too. Some of them are names you’ll have heard of, some not, but all write thoughtfully and amusingly.

    Whether you’re in search of stimulation, consolation or diversion, a treat for yourself or a present for a bookish friend or relative, you might do worse than try the current issue of Slightly Foxed, or take out a subscription for a year, or even two or three. If you do, you’ll be in excellent company.

    Companionable and unstuffy, Slightly Foxed is more like a well-read friend than a literary magazine. Each quarter it offers 96 pages of lively personal recommendations for books of lasting interest – books, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry, that have stood the test of time and have left their mark on the people who write about them. It’s an eclectic mix, and our contributors are an eclectic bunch too. Some of them are names you’ll have heard of, some not, but all write thoughtfully and amusingly.

    Whether you’re in search of stimulation, consolation or diversion, a treat for yourself or a present for a bookish friend or relative, you might do worse than try the current issue of Slightly Foxed, or take out a subscription for a year, or even two or three. If you do, you’ll be in excellent company.

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