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September News: This is the way light fell on the picture for me . . .

. . . for others it will have fallen differently.

Greetings from No. 53, where the number of boxes is fast diminishing and the route to the kettle fast widening as the office foxes beaver away to get copies of A Country Doctor’s Commonplace BookBrendon Chasethe new issue of SF and Ghosting into the hands of readers around the world.

Thank you to all those who’ve put in early orders for our limited-edition wall calendar for next year. We’re delighted to report that this has now been sent to Smith Settle for printing and finished editions will be landing in Hoxton towards the end of this month. Featured artists include Mark Hearld, Rosie Sanders, Posy Simmonds and many other lovely seasonal designs and we hope you’ll agree that it’s to be a thing of beauty – and useful too! Do take a look at our website for more details: 2019 Wall Calendar.

In other news, Hazel and Olivia spent a day in a recording studio last week with our podcast producers Lynne and Philippa and a number of special guests whose voices will be featured in episodes of our upcoming podcast, launching on 15 November. And next week we’ll be swapping Soho for Suffolk as Gail, Hazel, Jennie and Anna join friends and readers at the Leaping Hare Country Store to toast the new season’s crop of foxed publications.

Please read on for an extract from our latest title in the SF Editions list, Jennie Erdal’s wickedly funny Ghosting: A Double Life, introduced by a snippet of SF editor Hazel’s article in the current issue of the quarterly. And to follow, the usual selection of recent correspondence from the postbag, incitements to invest in additions to your bookshelves, and a prize draw for tickets to an exclusive event at The Savoy from our friends at Damian Barr’s Literary Salon.

With best wishes, as ever

The SF office staff – Jennie, Anna, Olivia, Hattie and our new-ish packing assistant, Helen
 and the office dogs, Chudleigh, Stanley and Tarka

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