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The War Between the Tates
  • ISBN: 9781784876265
  • Pages: 368
  • Publisher: Vintage
  • Binding: Paperback

The War Between the Tates

Alison Lurie

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In The War Between the Tates, Alison Lurie subtly dissects the disintegration of a marriage.

Brian and Erica Tate appear to have every advantage in life: academic careers, two children, nice friends and money. When Brian begins an affair with one of his students the disintegration of their lives is swift and shocking. Things spiral when a protest against a sexist professor at the university escalates and Brian, hopelessly compromised by split loyalties, gets caught up in the action. Alison Lurie skewers both sides of the Tates’ marriage in this campus satire of 1960s feminism, parenthood, infidelity and academic pomposity.

‘Her humour is a delight and she writes with an almost unholy relish’ Irish Times

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