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The Shadowy Third
  • ISBN: 9780715653579
  • Pages: 386
  • Publisher: Duckworth
  • Binding: Hardback

The Shadowy Third

Love, Letters and Elizabeth Bowen

Julia Parry

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A sudden death in the family delivers Julia Parry a box of love letters. Dusty with age, they tell the story of an illicit affair between the brilliant twentieth-century novelist Elizabeth Bowen and a young academic called Humphry House – Julia’s grandfather.

The Shadowy Third exposes the affair and its impact by following the overlapping lives of three very different characters through some of the most dramatic decades of the twentieth century; from the rarefied air of Oxford in the 1930s, to the Anglo-Irish Big House, to the last days of Empire in India and on into the Second World War.

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At boarding school in the late Sixties we had as our English teacher a Miss J. H. B. Jones. Coaxing us self-absorbed teenagers through the A-level syllabus she was diffident, patient and unassuming,...

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