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Letters of Sylvia Plath: Volume II
  • ISBN: 9780571339204
  • Pages: 1088
  • Illustrations: A selection of photographs and Plath’s own line-drawings
  • Edited by: Peter K. Steinberg & Karen Kukil
  • Publisher: Faber
  • Binding: Hardback

Letters of Sylvia Plath: Volume II



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Sylvia Plath was one of the writers that defined the course of twentieth-century poetry. Her vivid, daring and complex poetry continues to captivate new generations of readers and writers. In the Letters, we discover the art of Plath’s correspondence, which is here presented unabridged, without revision, so that she speaks directly in her own words.

This later correspondence witnesses Plath and Hughes becoming major, influential contemporary writers, as it happened. Experiences recorded include first books and other publications; teaching; committing to writing full-time; travels; making professional acquaintances; settling in England; starting a family; and buying a house. Throughout, Plath’s voice is completely, uniquely her own.

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