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Honey from a Weed
  • ISBN: 9781903018200
  • Pages: 375
  • Illustrations: Corinna Sargood
  • Publisher: Prospect
  • Binding: Paperback

Honey from a Weed

Fasting and Feasting in Tuscany, Catalonia, the Cyclades and Apulia

Patience Gray

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For twenty years Patience Gray shared her life with a sculptor, whose appetite for marble and sedimentary rocks took them to Tuscany, Catalonia, Naxos and Apulia.

From these travels evolved a passionate autobiographical cookery book. Honey From a Weed is scrupulous in its knowledge of local and seasonal cooking, and conjures a time and place that enthral the reader.

Reviewed by T. M. Delaney in Slightly Foxed Issue 65.

How to Cook a Fox


During a time when I was unable to work I read a lot, and randomly, picking up whatever took my fancy in the local bookshop. I had recently moved to an old farmstead on Orkney with enough space to grow some vegetables and berry fruit – not exactly living off the land, but an exciting departure for someone who had always lived in a town. One day I chanced upon Patience Gray’s Honey from a Weed, took it home and soon found myself fantasizing about planting olive trees – although to tell the truth I always knew that olives would never thrive in a latitude so high that it is impossible to grow wheat here . . .

Extract from Slightly Foxed Issue 65, Spring 2020

How to Cook a Fox

During a time when I was unable to work I read a lot, and randomly, picking up whatever took my fancy in the local bookshop. I had recently moved to an old farmstead on Orkney with enough space to...

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