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Travels with a Tangerine
  • ISBN: 9781848546752
  • Pages: 368
  • Publisher: John Murray
  • Binding: Paperback

Travels with a Tangerine

Tim Mackintosh-Smith

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Ibn Battutah set out in 1325 from his native Tangier on the pilgrimage to Mecca. By the time he returned twenty-nine years later, he had visited most of the known world, travelling three times the distance Marco Polo covered. Spiritual backpacker, social climber, temporary hermit and failed ambassador, he braved brigands, blisters and his own prejudices. The outcome was a monumental travel classic.

Captivated by this man, travel writer Tim Mackintosh-Smith set out on his own eventful journey, retracing the Moroccan’s eccentric trip from Tangier to Constantinople. Tim proves himself a perfect companion to this distant traveller, and the result is a blend of personalities, history and contemporary observation.

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