Virginia and Leonard Woolf started the Hogarth Press in 1917. Its first publication, Two Stories, was bound in bright Japanese paper and contained a short story from both Virginia and Leonard.
With illustrations by Dora Carrington, 134 copies were printed by Leonard using a small handpress installed in the dining room at Hogarth House. This new edition of Two Stories takes the original text of Virginia’s story, ‘The Mark on the Wall’, and pairs it with a new story, ‘St Brides Bay’, by Mark Haddon. It also includes a short introduction from the publisher about the founding of the Press.
A Boy at the Hogarth Press | Orlando is selling like hot cakes
The leaves are starting to pile up in the Square. Pinker scurries about in them. Maynard Keynes and Lopokova are being blown along – a vast ship accompanied by a trim little tug. LW showed me how...
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