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Adrian Bell | Corduroy

Some of the most poetic yet down-to-earth accounts ever written of life in the English countryside.

We are delighted to let you know that, following sell-out runs in its original limited SF Edition and subsequent paperback incarnation, Corduroy has just been published as a cloth-bound hardback Plain Foxed Edition. These sturdy little books, bound in duck-egg blue cloth, come in the same neat pocket format as the original SF Editions and will happily fill any gaps on your shelves, as well as forming a delightful uniform edition on their own.

Please read the newsletter for Christian Tyler’s introduction to the book, and follow the links within to view and buy Corduroy as a single title (from £17) or the trilogy, which includes books two and three in the series, Silver Ley and The Cherry Tree (from £48).

Don’t forget, if you place an order in August to the value of £20 or more, by way of thanks we’ll send you a complimentary pack of handsome postcards. Just use the code SUMMER-CLEAN at the checkout or over the phone. A reminder of the various bundles and discounts on offer appears at the foot of the newsletter.

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