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‘I am enchanted . . .’

‘Hello friends at Slightly Foxed. How is it possible I have not heard of you before? I subscribe to the LRB, have been to the UK many times, read Persephone books, buy many British magazines at Barnes & Noble, etc. etc. (I really make an effort) but only stumbled across your website today when looking up the book A House in Flanders which I saw in the Trafalgar Square Publishing spring catalogue (both their books and the titles published by my organization are published by Trafalgar).  Anyway, I am enchanted and spent about an hour on your website when I should have been working.

I have two questions: Will you be reordering the mug? I’d love to get one. Have you considered an article on the Poldark novels of Winston Graham? I loved the series when I first watched it back in the ‘70s but somehow never thought about the books. I spotted one a few years ago in B&N and read all twelve although I had to order the later ones through Book Depository because they weren’t published in the US at that time. I passed them on to a friend who eagerly awaited each one. With the more recent TV series, they are definitely due for a revisit and a wider audience! The heroic character of Ross Poldark pushes against the prejudices and limitations of his time and is a great model for this dark period we have just entered. (Plus, there’s the romance . . .) Anyway, thank you for the diversion (and the unanticipated splurge) and I look forward to receiving my package.’ S. Rathet, United States

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