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The Slightly Foxed Summer Shelf Clean

Pocketable Paperbacks, Collectable Cubs, Irresistible Issues

Greetings from Foxed towers where we’re preparing for the coming quarter’s haul to land from Smith Settle in Yorkshire next week. Our printers’ van will be especially low on its wheels this time thanks to box upon box of the autumn issue of Slightly Foxed (No. 63), our 48th Slightly Foxed Edition – Roald Dahl’s Boy – the first two titles in our new Foxed Cubs series of Rosemary Sutcliff’s Roman novels and Plain Foxed Editions of two of our best-loved memoirs, Helene Hanff’s 84, Charing Cross Road and Adrian Bell’s Corduroy. 

All of which is cause for much joy and some trepidation, with mutterings about floor-loading, box-lugging and space-strategizing abounding. Should the Sutcliffs go under the kitchen table or at the end of the bed? Could the Dahl take over the coffee table and most of one sofa until all of the automatic repeat SF Edition orders go out? Do we really need to get to the Christmas card cupboard in the next three weeks? Perhaps not (those kind folk who have already placed orders for the new design did say there was no rush . . .) but a clear path to the dog biscuits and to the kettle? Absolutely yes!

So, with all that in mind, herewith our occasional plea to our dear readers to help us clear a few shelves this August by stocking up on paperbacks, notebooks, back issues, Cubs and greetings cards. Various bundles and other tempting offers appear below.

If you would like to order, by way of thanks we’ll send you a complimentary pack of handsome postcards for all orders over £20. Just use the code SUMMER-CLEAN at the checkout or over the phone.

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