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Stocking Fillers & Fireside Reading

Stocking Fillers & Fireside Reading

Greetings from Foxed HQ where the winter quarter is officially upon us and, as is customary at this time of year, the office is fit to bursting with towers of books, reams of smart brown wrapping paper and rolls of handsome cream ribbon bearing little running foxes. Despite the lack of space, the chaos is organised and spirits are high as we go about the merry business of packing up parcels of books, magazines, notebooks, bags, bookplates and more besides, to be sent off to readers around the world.
‘Your editions are a joy to handle and have given me many happy hours.’ | Slightly Foxed Editions

‘Your editions are a joy to handle and have given me many happy hours.’ | Slightly Foxed Editions

Greetings from a busy, book-filled Slightly Foxed office, where we’re merrily navigating our way through an obstacle course of post bags, packing materials and parcels. There’s still time for us to help with gifts for booklovers, and we’d like to shine a light on our Slightly Foxed Editions – beautifully produced cloth-bound hardbacks, just the right size to hold in the hand and with a ribbon marker to keep your place.
Endless hours of pleasure | New this Winter from Slightly Foxed

Endless hours of pleasure | New this Winter from Slightly Foxed

Greetings, dear readers, from Hoxton Square. We’re delighted to report that the new winter issue of Slightly Foxed has now left the printing press at Smith Settle and should arrive with readers in the UK in the coming days, and elsewhere around the world over the next few weeks. We do hope it brings much reading pleasure. And for those of you who are on a repeat order to receive our new limited-edition memoir each quarter, your usual hand-numbered copy of Diary of a Provincial Lady by E. M. Delafield will be with you very soon.
Diary of a Provincial Lady | *New* from the Slightly Foxed bookshelves

Diary of a Provincial Lady | *New* from the Slightly Foxed bookshelves

We’re in the drawing-room of an under-heated middle-class home, far from any city, on a chilly November day in 1929 and our diarist – the Provincial Lady of the title – is dealing with a bossy acquaintance. Lady Boxe, her neighbour from the local great house, is one of a cast of headache-inducing characters who inhabit this deathless diary, including Ethel the clumsy house-parlourmaid, and Cook, who has just announced that ‘something is wrong with the range’, the PL’s husband, unemotional and uncommunicative Robert, and her children, runny-nosed 6-year-old Vicky and 10-year-old Robin, home briefly from his prep-school and bringing a friend who is eating them out of house and home.

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