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Gladstone’s Library

Gladstone’s Library

Nestled in a small village in North Wales is Britain’s finest (and probably only!) residential library. With over 250,000 printed items (specialising in theology, history, culture and politics), it is the national memorial to four times Liberal Prime Minister, William Gladstone, who founded it in 1894. Now the Library has 26 boutique-style bedrooms where you can stay 50 weeks a year; a bustling programme of literary events including courses and evening readings; as well as its own series of festivals – Gladfest, Hearth, and DemFest. www.gladstoneslibrary.org
Dr Johnson’s House

Dr Johnson’s House

Dr Johnson’s House is a charming 300-year-old townhouse, nestled amongst a maze of courts and alleys in the historic City of London.  Samuel Johnson, the writer and wit, lived and worked here in the middle of the eighteenth century, compiling his great Dictionary of the English Language in the Garret. Today, the House is open to the public with a collection relating to Johnson, a research library, restored interiors and a wealth of original features. The House runs a lively programme of special events and exhibitions for literary enthusiasts and the curious-minded. www.drjohnsonshouse.org

The Arthur Ransome Society

Arthur Ransome was the celebrated author of the 12 ‘Swallows and Amazons’ stories – written for young people of all ages. But he was much more: bohemian, media correspondent during the Russian Revolution, spy, sailor, fisherman, pipe smoker . . . The Society exists to celebrate his life and to promote his interests in exploring, camping, sailing, navigation, leadership, literature and much more. www.arthur-ransome.org.uk

The London Library

Founded in 1841, The London Library is one of the UK’s leading literary institutions. With more than one million books and periodicals in over 50 languages, the collection includes works from the 16th century to the latest publications in print and electronic form. www.londonlibrary.co.uk

Shiny New Books

An entirely independent recommendations online magazine. Shiny New Books is what happens when you put four book bloggers in a virtual room and let them give in to wish fulfillment. www.shinynewbooks.co.uk

The Biographers’ Club

Founded in 1997 by literary agent and biographer Andrew Lownie, the Biographers’ Club is an umbrella organisation which seeks to educate, inspire, promote and foster a better understanding of the art of biography and its relevance across the broad spectrum of human endeavour. www.biographersclub.co.uk

The Dovecote Press

The Dovecote Press founded in 1974 by David Burnett to publish books about rural life and local history, particularly Dorset. Since then it has published over 300 titles. Its authors have included Cecil Beaton, David Cecil, John Fowles, James Lees-Milne, John Julius Norwich, Anne Sebba and Hugo Vickers – as well as a host of other writers distinguished in their own fields. Recently it started a new imprint, Little Toller Books, which is now an independent publishing company. www.dovecotepress.com

Angel Classics

Angel Classics brings new discoveries of classic European authors previously unavailable in English or only in poor translations. Angel translations have won a leading reputation for scrupulous fidelity to their originals and their impact in English. Each title includes an absorbing introduction which draws the reader into the author’s life and time. www.angelclassics.com

The Oldie

The Oldie is emphatically not a magazine about retirement. It is for any independent-minded reader, full of good writing and amusing articles on a wide variety of topics. www.theoldie.co.uk

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