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Adam Sisman is an award-winning writer, author of Boswell’s Presumptuous Task, shortlisted for the Whitbread Prize and winner of the US National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography, and biographer of A. J. P. Taylor and Hugh Trevor-Roper. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and an Honorary Fellow of the University of St Andrews. He lives in Bristol.

The numbers in square brackets refer to the issue of the quarterly in which the article appears.
The unbracketed numbers refer to the starting page of the article.
For entries in multiple issues of the quarterly, the occurrences are separated by semi-colons.

articles by, [53] 7; [61] 53; [68] 20; [71] 34; [72] 14; [75] 67; [79] 78; [84] 81

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