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Famous People’s Foxes

Only a churl would suggest that this drawing of a fox by writer and BBC Radio’s Midweek presenter Libby Purves is of an ill-natured dachshund by a tree. In any case, a dachshund could never manage that sort of sly, calculating sideways look.

About Slightly Famous People’s Foxes

In 2014 we wanted to celebrate our tenth anniversary in a way which might help a good cause. The result was a little book, Slightly Famous People’s Foxes, an original gallery of vulpine characters you’d be astonished to find poking around your dustbins, all kindly donated by friends of Slightly Foxed and brought to order by Oliver Pritchett, well known for his witty columns in the Sunday Telegraph.

All profits from the sale of the book (approximately £5,000) were donated to the Children’s Hospital School at Great Ormond Street which allows children to continue their education while they are there. To raise more money for the school the original fox drawings were auctioned in April 2015.

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