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Hornet’s Sting
  • ISBN: 9780857052254
  • Pages: 352
  • Publisher: Quercus
  • Binding: Paperback

Hornet’s Sting

Derek Robinson

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It’s 1917, and Captain Stanley Woolley joins an R.F.C. squadron whose pilots are starting to fear the worst: their war over the Western Front may go on for years. A pilot’s life is usually short, so while it lasts it is celebrated strenuously.

Distractions from the brutality of the air war include British nurses; eccentric Russian pilots; bureaucratic battles over the plum-jam ration; rat-hunting with Very pistols; and the C.O.’s patent, potent cocktail, known as Hornet’s Sting. But as the summer offensives boil up, none of these can offer any lasting comfort.

Prang Wizard

Goshawk Squadron, a story of the war in the air over the Western Front, is the missing link between Catch-22 and Blackadder. It was Derek Robinson’s first novel, published in 1971, and it was...

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