There is only one William. This tousle-headed, snub-nosed, hearty, lovable bundle of mischief has been harassing his unfortunate family and delighting his hundreds of thousands of admirers since 1922.
Whether he’s meant to be babysitting, putting on a show with his trusty gang of friends, the Outlaws, or meeting his faithful dog, Jumble, William Brown always has a new scheme up his sleeve. His intentions are good but nothing ever quite goes to plan in this hilarious collection of eleven stories about everyone’s favourite troublemaker.
‘Crompton’s voice is dry, wry and ironic, in a style that you could say echoes Evelyn Waugh’s . . . The Just William stories are, above all, funny.’ Telegraph
Scourge of the Suburbs
‘Rice Mould’ is a story written in 1919 for Home Magazine, a periodical aimed at women of the suburban middle class. A party is in progress at the Browns’ villa somewhere to the south of...
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