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Slightly Foxed on the Stack Podcast: Hear how Slightly Foxed turned their passion for books into a sustainable business . . .

‘This week’s episode of the Stack podcast comes with a warning: If you feel like you have too much stuff to read, do not buy a copy of Slightly Foxed magazine. The literary title launched 15 years ago as an antidote to big chain bookshops and celebrity publishing, and it has built its business on the simple pleasure of reading.

Instead of publishing reviews of new titles, they look beyond the stuff currently sitting on the bestseller lists and ask their contributors to write about the books they love. The result is informed and impassioned, the perfect formula for making me want to buy more stuff.

I went over to their lovely, homely office on Hoxton Square in London last week, and spoke to Gail Pirkis, Jennie Harrison Bunning, Anna Kirk, Olivia Wilson and Hattie Summers about how the magazine started, and how it has grown organically over the years. As you’ll hear, there’s a strong sense of family in the office, with everyone working their way up through the business and pulling together to create a magazine and an office environment they genuinely care about.’

Listen to Slightly Foxed Editor Gail, and the office staff (Anna, Hattie, Jennie and Olivia) talking to Steve Watson of Stack about life behind the scenes here at Foxed HQ – with only a few interruptions by office puppy Tarka.

NB This was our first ever appearance on a podcast so please forgive any nervous wittering-on! We hope you’ll enjoy listening to it.


PS If you’re a fan of literary podcasts we’d love to know which ones you like to listen to. Do comment below with the details and we’ll add them to our ‘to be listened to’ list.

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  1. Joan MacGregor says:

    Looking forward to it.

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