Ulysses, a novel by the Irish writer James Joyce, is a key text of literary modernism.
Set entirely on one day, 16 June 1904, Ulysses follows Leopold Bloom and Stephen Daedalus as they go about their daily business in Dublin. From this starting point, James Joyce constructs a novel of extraordinary imaginative richness and depth.
Unique in the history of literature, Ulysses is one of the most important and enjoyable works of the twentieth century. The survivor of countless controversies, censorships and even claims of blasphemy, this centenary edition of Ulysses comes with a new introduction by Anne Enright.
A Blooming Miracle
I first encountered James Joyce on the banks of the Suez Canal, a bleak and unpromising setting for any meeting. In one direction lay desert, scorching and soulless, in the other the silhouettes of...
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