The Hobbit is the unforgettable story of Bilbo, a peace-loving hobbit, who embarks on a strange and magical adventure.
Bilbo Baggins enjoys a quiet and contented life with no desire to travel far from the comforts of home. One day the wizard Gandalf and a band of dwarves arrive unexpectedly and enlist his services on a dangerous expedition to raid the treasure-hoard of Smaug the dragon. This special edition of The Hobbit bears a facsimile of Tolkien’s original cover design and includes colour plates of his paintings, colour versions of maps and reproductions of all his drawings.
The Tolkien Test
As parents, we hope our children will love the books we ourselves enjoyed, the ones that turned us into readers. But as often as not, our attempts to interest them fail. I remember a friend who was...
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Just as he prefers to drive rather than be driven, my husband would rather read aloud than be read to. Both preferences suit me fine as I hate getting back into the original lane after overtaking and...
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