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I have been devoted to your podcast for over a year; it could be improved only by being more frequent. Every book I have ordered from you has been a delight; nothing disappoints. I receive your emails with pleasure, and that’s saying a lot. Slightly Foxed is a source of content . . . ’
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13th October 2014

‘The pieces are an excellent length . . .’

'True story: I was rattling in on Thames Link from Luton airport and my Easyjet flight from Inverness when a woman of a certain age – OK my age, maybe a year or two older – got in at somewhere like Harpenden. Greying, lightly tanned (the garden in France, I expect), sensible shoes, firm step and firm jaw . . . 50 years ago she would have been the vicar’s wife, now of course of ‘someone in the City.’ Only at Finchley Road did I notice she was reading the Autumn issue. And very engrossed too. At King’s Cross, she closed it (the pieces are an excellent length for such journeys), gazed with firm (again) satisfaction at the cover and then put it away in her (sensible) handbag. There you go!’
- P. Gill, London
From readers
13th October 2014

‘A club of discerning and eager book lovers . . .’

‘It is true to say when you subscribe to Slightly Foxed you do not just buy a ‘Literary Magazine’ you also join a Club. A Club of discerning and eager book lovers whose appetites are whetted but never completely assuaged by devouring the pages and ordering books not always read previously. The Autumn issue has just arrived. There is no need to disguise it. My wife knows her life would not be worth living if she tried to read it first.’
- J. Curtiss, Hampshire
From readers
13th October 2014

‘One wants to go out and buy book after book . . .’

‘Dennis Silk deserves a gold medal for writing about Sheila Stewart’s little gem of a masterpiece Lifting the Latch. The pleasure I have derived from reading this, at times heart wrenching tale is almost beyond description. The only drawback to subscribing to Slightly Foxed is that one wants to go out and buy book after book, having had the appetite whetted from reading yet another fascinating article about a previously unknown author or book. If, as seems to lie the case, you are going from strength to strength, it is surely richly deserved.'
- A. Verdie, Surrey
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