The independent-minded quarterly that combines good looks, good writing and a personal approach. Slightly Foxed introduces its readers to books that are no longer new and fashionable but have lasting appeal. Good-humoured, unpretentious and a bit eccentric, it’s more like a well-read friend than a literary magazine.
In this issue: David Spiller rereads a remarkable correspondence • Rohan Candappa meets the Wild Things • Maggie Fergusson raises three cheers for Mrs Harris • Trevor Fishlock takes the train to Pakistan • Frances Wood makes a statement • Michele Hanson pursues love • Richard Hughes recalls a Knight to remember • Ariane Bankes does some housekeeping, and much more besides . . .
Shrieks and Floods • MICHELE HANSON on Nancy Mitford, The Pursuit of Love; Love in a Cold Climate
Putting up Useful Shelves • SUE GEE on Richard Kennedy, A Boy at the Hogarth Press & A Parcel of Time
Life with Aunt Sylvie • ARIANE BANKES on Marilynne Robinson, Housekeeping
Nobody Ever Writes to Me • DAVID SPILLER on Rupert Hart-Davis & George Lyttleton, The Lyttelton Hart-Davis Letters
Orders from Swaledale • ROGER HUDSON on Rupert Hart-Davis & George Lyttleton, The Lyttelton Hart-Davis Letters
The Magic of Max and Mickey • ROHAN CANDAPPA on the works of Maurice Sendak
Travels with the Father of History • JUSTIN MAROZZI on Herodotus, Histories
The Temptation of Mrs Harris • MAGGIE FERGUSSON on Paul Gallico, Flowers for Mrs Harris
Do You Mind Me Just Asking? • LINDA LEATHERBARROW on The Paris Review
A Visit from God • WILLIAM PALMER on Kingsley Amis, The Green Man
Unparliamentary Words • TREVOR FISHLOCK on Khushwant Singh, Train to Pakistan
Umbrellas at Dawn • RICHARD HUGHES the novels of Hugh Walpole
Jeremy Makes a Stand • HAZEL WOOD on Hugh Walpole, the Jeremy books
A Noble Cause • JOHN SAUMAREZ SMITH on Iris Origo, War in Val d’Orcia: An Italian War Diary, 1943–1944
Freudful Myth-Information • JEREMY NOEL-TOD on W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman, And Now All This
Saying It with Books • FRANCES WOOD on book titles
About Slightly Foxed
The independent-minded quarterly that combines good looks, good writing and a personal approach. Slightly Foxed introduces its readers to books that are no longer new and fashionable but have lasting appeal. Good-humoured, unpretentious and a bit eccentric, it’s more like a well-read friend than a literary magazine. Read more about Slightly Foxed.
- Book titles
- Singh, Khushwant
- Smith, John Saumarez
- Spiller, David
- Hudson, Roger
- Hughes, Richard
- Walpole, Hugh
- Wood, Hazel
- Kennedy, Richard
- Wood, Frances
- Ziegler, Philip
- Leatherbarrow, Linda
- Paris Review, The
- Pirkis, Gail & Wood, Hazel
- Yeatman, R. J., & Sellar, W. C.
- Bankes, Ariane
- Amis, Kingsley
- Brown, Susan
- Candappa, Rohan
- Fergusson, Maggie
- Fishlock, Trevor
- Freud, Sigmund
- Gallico, Paul
- Gee, Sue
- Gourevitch, Philip
- Hanson, Michele
- Hart-Davis, Rupert
- Hart-Davis, Rupert & Lyttelton, George
- Marozzi, Justin
- Herodotus
- Mitford, Nancy
- Noel-Tod, Jeremy
- Origo, Iris
- Palmer, William
- Robinson, Marilynne
- Sellar, W. C., & Yeatman, R. J.
- Sendak, Maurice
Slightly Foxed Issue 20: From the Editors
This issue marks a bit of a celebration for us – Slightly Foxed’s fifth we birthday. It seems no time ago – certainly not twenty issues – that we we’re sitting round the kitchen table,...
Read moreThe Temptation of Mrs Harris
It was astonishing to me that a grown-up could cry, and more than astonishing that anyone should cry for joy. The memory came back to me a few weeks ago, as I reread, with my 9-year-old daughter,...
Read morePutting up Useful Shelves
In 1922, Richard Kennedy’s formidable grandmother pulled a well-connected string and got him a scholarship to Marlborough. To say that Kennedy’s education up to this point had been patchy is an...
Read moreA Boy at the Hogarth Press | Orlando is selling like hot cakes
The leaves are starting to pile up in the Square. Pinker scurries about in them. Maynard Keynes and Lopokova are being blown along – a vast ship accompanied by a trim little tug. LW showed me how...
Read moreA Noble Cause
War in Val d’Orcia consists of the diary Iris Origo kept between the end of January 1943 and July 1944. The Origos were based throughout at La Foce, south of Montepulciano in central Italy, though...
Read moreShrieks and Floods
It’s been hard to avoid the Mitfords recently. A collected edition of the letters of Jessica (‘Decca’) was published in 2006. The following year another collection, this time of the letters...
Read moreLife with Aunt Sylvie
Once in a blue moon an encounter with a new book can be like falling in love – you just know, instinctively, that you’ve found a voice that’s entirely sympathetic, and that you want to spend...
Read moreNobody Ever Writes to Me
Readers of the published letters between George Lyttelton and Rupert Hart-Davis are like members of a club to which access is provided by introduction. My own introduction came in Delhi from my...
Read moreOrders from Swaledale
Rupert Hart-Davis retired to Swaledale from the London publishing world two years before I joined it in 1965, so it was on the shelves of second-hand bookshops that his name first really registered...
Read moreThe Magic of Max and Mickey
For me it all started the night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind or another. But then again, that’s how it started for most of us who’ve read Maurice Sendak. Max is the hero...
Read moreSaying It with Books
One of my favourite books is Wolfgang Kohler’s The Mentality of Apes. I haven’t actually read more than a couple of paragraphs at a time because the contents are of less significance to me than...
Read moreDo You Mind Me Just Asking?
There are some questions that you should never ask a writer – they are instant death to any hoped-for conversation. But at every literary party or book launch I’ve ever attended, the worst of...
Read moreUnparliamentary Words
In the summer of 1980 The Times sent me to Delhi. My first foreign posting, it rewarded all my hopes of adventure. India and Pakistan were at the heart of my reporting. I also wrote from Afghanistan,...
Read moreA Visit from God
I have always liked reading and pubs, and reading in pubs. By reading I mean sitting alone in a corner of the pub with a pint of bitter and a good book, not the Good Book – that might attract...
Read moreJeremy Makes a Stand
I’m not sure how old I was when I first read Hugh Walpole’s Jeremy, but I think I was 9 or 10, for I had just gone away to boarding school, and I can remember the stab of longing that that...
Read moreFreudful Myth-Information
As in 1066 and All That, what carries the best jokes of And Now All This into something like poetry is an excess of wit. When the ‘Absolutely General Editors’ speak of sleepers entering ‘the...
Read moreUmbrellas at Dawn
It is hard today to appreciate the extent of Hugh Walpole’s success. Not only did his novels – which had appeared annually since his first triumph, Mr Perrin and Mr Traill, in 1911 –...
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